Oh dear. So, to clarify, I got to Scotland (where it was really very cold!) and got back, and ended up covering for our sixth form study supervisor for two weeks which annoyed my Head of Department, and war broke out in Europe? And Lent started.
I opened my Bible randomly this week because I was feeling so adrift. Joel 2 with its startlingly modern description of an army moving with devastation through a land. But also with its startlingly Lenten call to return. My boys have me signed up to the YouVersion Bible app that sends me a verse a day, and today it was from Joel 2 too. So, I'm going to sit in Joel 2 for a while longer, with fasting (from black tea) and weeping and mourning.
I've had John Donne's words in my head all these awful days. I've shared them before, and I hope he wouldn't mind if I borrow them again.
No man is an island,
Entire of itself;
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less,
As well as if a promontory were:
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were.
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.
I know. So sad and hard.
I hope you get a wee rest now, but I have a feeling you won't. Life's like that.
Oh, Mags, I feel too like I am rattling around in a dream -- a nightmare. I feel simultaneously that this is shocking (how can it be happening?), and that we should not be surprised (why should our time be exempt from lunatic dictators?) How is it fair that I live so far away in safety and peace, while a Ukranian woman lives in terror? But isn't my peace the very thing she is striving for? We took up an offering at church today to help the refugees. Each day I read updates from church friends there and how they're doing. It's a time that boggles the mind.
The Donne poem is a constant reminder of our connectedness. Your boys are brilliant, signing you up for the daily verse. Bob put me onto that. Very excited to say we had live music in worship yesterday, first time since 2020- including my man on his guitar. Much love to all ❤️๐๐☺️
I will look at Joel too. It's been a while since I have. Those words are very apt. Sending you love. xx
Wonderful poem , and one much read by my mother who used to quote it so much. I have the TEAR fund Lent devotional each day, short but to the point.
the exact words I gave at eulogy at Max's funeral. She was my friend of fifty years and I miss her dreadfull.
Mags, you're tucked in prayer, along with your men, more than you know. Joel is a favorite, as is Amos and all those "minor" prophets.
love and prayers
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