Thursday 26 May 2022

Time stands still

 Hello! Sending you all lots of love from Northern Ireland, where nothing much changes just as everything changes, as usual. Time has stood still here, in the Land of the Kitchen. I had noticed that the battery in the clock had died, but I decided to do absolutely nothing about it, and haven't let anyone do anything about it either.

A quarter to four is such a lovely time in the afternoon - just in from school, too early to make dinner, the potential of evening aspirations ahead (even though they generally come to nothing). I'm quite happy to stop the clock right there!

I suppose, post-Covid and mid-war and (unknown prefix) Protocol, I've tried to stop the clock too. Life still just boils down, as far as possible, to school, home, and a wee swim. And thankfully at the bottom of the hill, if you catch the tide, it's always Lough o'clock.

So, dear bloggers, on your gentle path into summer, may it always be a quarter to four, or _____ * o'clock.

Mags x

* blank for your own joy


Angela said...

I'm not sure when I would stop my clock. But after a lifetime of being up and out to school(or church) really early, I'm greatly appreciating 7am, sitting in bed reading news & blogs on my tablet, drinking tea. Especially because my beloved is beside me doing likewise. This is a happy, gentle start to the day and I am so grateful. A blessing in retirement, and a gift of grace

M.K. said...

Oh, I love this, Mags! I love that your kitchen clock stopped at a sweet moment of the day. I LOVE Lough time :) May life continue at a slow pace, giving peace.

GretchenJoanna said...

Mags, you've got me thinking again...

A quarter to four is pretty nice for me, too, as I consider it. The most productive part of the day is gone, so there is not the pressure of, say, quarter to two, when I might panic, realizing how much still remains of the load of work I "should" do. Two hours later, aware of my limitations, and waning energy (though I may have "done nothing" yo expend it), I feel blessedly free to do whatever I want to round out the day. Tomorrow I will begin again...

Often the post-four o'clock hours see me completing quite a bit of the work that I earlier procrastinated about.

I hope your summer is very quarter-to-fourish -- that is, of your joyful version of that standstill <3

Sandra at Thistle Cove Farm said...

As has been said, "It's 5:00 somewhere" meaning cocktail hour. Or something like that. Mags, some bloggers talk about tea in the afternoon but it seems they mean dinner/supper. Do people have tea around 4 then eat a larger meal later in the evening? My body rebels at late night meals although due to idiotic DST, I find myself eating at 9, or even later, in the evening. UGH!

Lisa Richards said...

Read o'clock? I love the notion of leaving it right at that time. Lough o'clock is great, too! :) Hugs from northern Minnesota to Northern Ireland!

Pam said...

I like 7am and NOT having to get up for work! Hope you're having a lovely summer.

Pam said...

Cup-of-tea-in-bed-in-the-morning o'clock for the happy retired person...

Time stands still

 Hello! Sending you all lots of love from Northern Ireland, where nothing much changes just as everything changes, as usual. Time has stood ...