Thursday 31 March 2011
Youth: Lament for Lost
Me: I'd like to come next Saturday to have my hair put up in a chignon.
Eight year old hairdressers: We don't know what that is.
Eight year old hairdressers: Is that a French roll?
Eight year old hairdressers: We could do you a nice, trendy bun? Something more up to date?
Me: But I'm a very old woman, you know!
Eight year old hairdressers: You're not that old....
Monday 28 March 2011
A Pause in Lent
I'm back this week to my annual Lent reader- Delia's A Feast for Lent. I usually start well and tail off miserably towards the end, but I'm determined this year that, having started miserably, I might make it to the end!
Her theme for Week 3 is Listening: not hardening your heart, but letting the deep call to deep. I was muchly delighted to read this yesterday. I feel that most of my prayer revolves around the present crisis, at home or outside the strawberry bed. Last year my Lent journal recorded a frankly amazing voyage from my original key words of anger and anxiety to the promise of joy and peace.
I knew this year that I had nothing but thanks to offer in the desert. (And one major prayer that will be shared when the time is soon right!) I had thought that I would love to hear God speak, just to hear Him speak. Not with any agenda of my own. And the title for today's reading: God speaks! Ha ha!
Today's final meditation: My soul is waiting for the Lord/ I count on his word...
Thursday 24 March 2011
X will not be marking their spot
And on top of it all the rabbits are no more. Jack Rabbit had a painful few days that culminated in a stay chez the Vet, whence he came not home. Peter Rabbit, I like to feel, was too lonely alone and the suns found him on Tuesday, quite still in his hutch.
No X in the garden. Not even for Alphabe-Thursday. I took the wimpish way out, I'm afraid, and the Vet has all undertaken. Don't feel any pressure to suggest suitable replacements, as there will be no need!
Friday 18 March 2011
Thursday 17 March 2011
Well, who else?
And most especially with the words of his Breastplate resounding back.
Monday 14 March 2011
Greatitudes 362 - 377
Sunday 13 March 2011
Friday 11 March 2011
Vernal green
Tuesday 8 March 2011
Monday 7 March 2011
Greatitudes 346 - 361
Sunday 6 March 2011
Pre-Lent wondering wandering
Anyway, I seem to be starting Lent at the end rather than the beginning. Having started the weekend with thoughts of angels, these fused into thinking about the role of the angels in the desert. Matthew 4:11 and Mark 1:13.
The immediate context is thinking of friends who have had rotten illness times this week involving clinical dehydration and hospitals. Of PC pushing through discouraging times. Of looking back over two years of fraises lachrymosae and realising that life could maybe be more now than an absence of crisis management. (She whispers this last bit for fear of being proved wrong!)
So as I set out to wander through the desert with One braver and better and stronger than me, I am thinking of the angels who "attended Him". And I'm liking that thought! It makes me wonder if maybe this year I won't be giving up for Lent, but taking in.
Saturday 5 March 2011
I love Lucy Mangan
Thursday 3 March 2011
Uninvited and Unconnected
But when I got to Youtube and knew that Uninvited by Alanis Morissette could not actually be my all time favourite song ever because my song was by Goo Goo Dolls I then remembered that Iris is in fact my all time fse but it doesn't begin with U. But anyway, this is my all time favourite song ever.
I once used it in a talk for yoof where I linked the song to the person of Mary Magdalene. I'm sure the two seemed as Unconnected to them then as it does to you now. I only vaguely remember what the talk was supposed to be about.
Unfortunately Giant's Ring doesn't begin with U either, but I hereby promise to get back to all you budding and qualified archaelogists as soon as possible. Hmm, a nice solo visit to the museum next week, methinks...
(And it's no coincidence that both songs come from the City of Angels soundtrack!)
Time stands still
Hello! Sending you all lots of love from Northern Ireland, where nothing much changes just as everything changes, as usual. Time has stood ...
Well, it's been a very exciting day in and around the Meadowplace today. I know you're all waiting with bated breath to meet Jolly...
[AC] Promo 2012 - International Justice Mission from Advent Conspiracy on Vimeo . Dear Ghost of Christmas Present, This is where it&...
Hello! Sending you all lots of love from Northern Ireland, where nothing much changes just as everything changes, as usual. Time has stood ...