And also. Over the last month, suddenly and slightly overwhelmingly, I have been asked to sub. In two schools over five weeks now, and I have even been able to choose how many days I want to do and which ones. I have turned days down, and still been rung again. This is more than I can comprehend, and to be honest it is certainly more than slightly stressful, but nonetheless, I have discovered that not only can I still speak French/understand Shakespeare/know a paragraph from a parenthesis, but also teach it, and I do not dissolve into water at just any blast of teenage hot air. Oh no, it takes more than one blast of that. I get wobbly after five...
So. There we go! I am deeply grateful to Angela for all encouraging advice on the life of the substitute teacher. I am deeply, deeply grateful for the procession of local friends who enthusiastically offer school runs and for the willingness of grandmothers to spend a whole hour toasting pancakes and resolving conflict. I am tearfully grateful for a Prince Charming who will leap into action as the phone rings and pick up the slack, and will appear unexpectedly at the leisure centre straight after the latest phone call just when the thought of organising logistics as well as sitting through a swimming lesson is just too much!
Back at the strawberry ranch I am grateful for the excitement of a new slow cooker toy with which admittedly I have played only once, for tulips from HB and a very cheery cherry cake, for a super night at Book Club last week that resulted in a great idea for next time (see next time), and a homework that called for strawberries.
Finally, do you still have snow? I am determined to be thankful that we haven't had to clear our paths, grit our drives, rush outside with sledges and tubs for snowfort bricks. I am trying hard to remember that my parents can get around safely, that roads are not treacherous, and that it is gorgeous to bask in warm sun in February. However, I am also very grateful that Jo has "In the snow" as one of his reading books this week. Living vicariously is better than living entirely without!
Hello dearest Mags! Oh, the tulips! So pretty! I wish you could come on over and sub for me!
You are lovely, lovely, and more lovely.
Oh the tulips! as PomPom says.
Cannot stop to say more, as I too have a day of teaching today. Yippee!!
Off to de-ice the car now
And all that lovely money you are earning! When you buy a new cakestand (that is your plan, right?) it'll all be worth it. I always liked my substitute teachers; they were so much more jolly than the real, careworn thing.
I used to love doing supply teaching.Always something different.
Oh! You are busy busy busy!! Love the things of spring. Tulips and strawberries. Yum!
oooh Shakespeare.
My eldest son was at the RSC in Stratford Upon Avon at the press night of a new show on Wednesday and my other son will appear on stage there next month. Not the main theatre, but one of the smaller ones, but hey, still pretty cool huh?
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