Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Elf and safety

I blame their school. All week it has been frosty and therefore slippy in the playground and we couldn't risk anyone falling, so they've been straight inside in the mornings, and inside at beaktime, and inside at lunchtime. Also admittedly we haven't walked once this week for much the same reason. Although I have been late to rise...

So I have two boys bounding with energy. One of whom is particularly bounding with energy. The singing one. Lots of boundless bounding. And singing. So tonight, after homework, I did something we haven't done for years. We put on coats and hats and gloves and went out to bound in the streets. Ostensibly we were counting how many Christmas trees had gone up on the avenue and around the block (24- appropriate number for the month). But actually we were working on the bound level. On decreasing the bound level!

And now, because the baked potatoes are still baking, we are researching Christmas trees. We got as far as here and stopped. We have found a bounding project- can you guess which one? It's not the one below, although it is my personal favourite. I like the atmosphere of utter unboundlessness. Thankfully tonight I'll be at the Hookery Christmas party. By the time I return they might be in bed...


Floss said...

Oh, how well I remember those days! Now our two cycle themselves to school, which effectively wipes out Son 1's bouning tendencies, although Son 2 has less far to go... I love Christmas-tree spotting, too. A great excuse for a walk.

Angela said...

I vote for the suns making the Lego tree. And mother strawberry making a PostIt note tree. By which time PC will have taken to drink and can make his own green bottle tree.

Time stands still

 Hello! Sending you all lots of love from Northern Ireland, where nothing much changes just as everything changes, as usual. Time has stood ...