Linden Grove has mouthwatering scones today- we had 42 buns in the oven (!) last night for Joshua's birthday break in school, and if I could summon up any energy at all after school today and then his family party I would embark on the pirate cake for his friends' party tomorrow.
Happy Birthday, Jo. One of the two best things I ever cooked!
"One of the two best things I ever cooked." Love that line.
Good job, mama! This is the stuff they remember!! :)
That's a lovely little cupcake. Small but perfectly formed!
Yum! I wish I could smell them. Happy Birthday little strawberry. I remember the extreme and drastic exhaustion that followed birthday parties. Way to go!
Ah yes the buns we cook in our ovens are truly the best.
The cupcake boxes are a great idea - a homemade cupcake is a perfect present. I often sit round impatiently tapping my foot till someone gives me one of them but no one ever does. Happy birthday, Joshua!
Oh, what a happy day! Cupcake boxes! Love it!
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