Dear Esteemed Bloggiste,
You are most cordially invited to a Spring Tea-Party on Friday 1st March. (Apologies for the short notice- please ask your secretary to check your social engagements for that day?) Please wear your cheerfullest frock and come for dainty, smileful delicacies.
Let's ring a joyous trill of bright, happy celebration throughout the Land of Blog, for the Willows Boys are safely returned home to Pom Pom. Though actually, a spot of bright, happy celebration is just what we need here in the Frozen North- any excuse for a party!
To attend our International Bun-Fight, please be so good as to:
- Blog on Friday and link either to us here at fraise or to Pom Pom,
- Show us photos of your tea tray and of your frock!
- (optional) Invite someone who will be most delighted with cheerful, child-like joy. I am expecting the few months old Hannah and her lovely Mummy, Ruth.
- Sign up for our tea-party in a comment below, or chez Pom. We shall aim to have a list of tea parties on our sidebars so that you can have as much virtual tea and cake as possible!
Yours most faithfully,
Mags x