Friday 5 November 2010

Greatitudes 325 - 330

I know that I am far too late for Multitude Monday and a whole day late for Alpabe-Thursday but in the excitement of new carpet coming yesterday, for which the computer and the rest of the family room had to be dismantled, and also in the rush of having to collect Mattman from his friend's and then get to the Library, well, Jenny, therein lies my excuse note! G is for my greatitudes, a personal fusion of gratitude and beatitude.

So the stripey colours came, not only replacing the eleven year old once pristine carpet, but also inspiring us to bring just some of the original furniture back in. So now there is the most uplifting feeling of space. We all love it- the boys have discovered that below the now totally exposed shelves, behind the new chair position is a perfect cosy den.

There will be, however, no photos. This week Mise and her white heaven haven have been in a magazine. I am reeling from the fact that such a celebrity might sometimes come to call in the Land of the Humble Strawberries! And indeed we have been busy with friends and visits these last few days, which reminds me of not so long ago, before the lachrymose times, when our philosophy here practised hospitality as a sign of the Kingdom. That has been nice!

Yesterday's caller came for a trial run of the craft session for this year's Preparing for Advent, and that was most exciting! So I leave you with a sneak preview. It may be 50 sleeps to Christmas, but it's only fifteen until our second half day of coffee, cookery, craft and Jesus calm for busy women before the full on-slaught begins.


GretchenJoanna said...

I agree that new carpeting is a joy in its vast expanse of freshness. It was strange to get new carpet here recently and not have kids romping on it.

Pom Pom said...

YOU are a treasure - so full of love and acceptance. I want to see the stripey carpet. Please?

Personalized Sketches and Sentiments said...

Ah! I seem to always a wee bit behind!

Enjoy your new carpet and craft sessions :o)

Blessings & Aloha!
Once again...see? I'm behind, but catching up on blog reading...hope you have some time to stop by mine.

Christy said...

New carpeting is so wonderful, it just changes the way a room feels and moves and breathes.

Angela said...

show us the carpet!!!!

and tell me more about coffee, cookery, craft and Jesus-calm. I want to come along!!

blessings x

Brenda said...

Always love some new carpet. And along come rearranging and cleaning and usually some new paint.!

Jenny said...

New carpet is the best excuse for everything.

Except I always find when I get it, I want to repaint everything in sight to make it look all fresh, too.

I want to see a picture of your stripe-y carpet. Do we have to wait until the letter "S"?

Thanks for the great stop on our little journey through Alphabe-Thursday's letter "G".

This was fun today.


Gumbo Lily said...

Looking forward to seeing your carpet, and I want to know more about Preparing for Advent and Jesus calm.


Time stands still

 Hello! Sending you all lots of love from Northern Ireland, where nothing much changes just as everything changes, as usual. Time has stood ...